Grow your career
Whether you work from home, an office, on the land or on the tools, Corangamite is blessed by a diverse economic base underpinned by committed local government, health, community, and social services sectors.
As the largest employer, agriculture and the agricultural services sector has shown sustained growth over time. Evolution and revolution within this industry drives demand for new skills and support industries as smart farm technologies, agronomy and harvesting advances are embraced across the region.
The dairy transport and manufacturing industry is a major employer and economic catalyst in towns throughout the Shire.
Tourism is recovering post COVID and drives complimentary economic growth and investment as part of the Great Ocean Road and Volcanic Lakes and Plains marketing regions. As well as providing facility and amenity for our domestic and international visitors, tourism delivers a host of services and opportunities that are embraced and utilised by our local communities.
In 2021, Corangamite had 1.6% unemployment rate, with 60.9% of persons aged over 15 years employed.
If you are looking for career progression or a work-life change, check out our feature industries and be sure to tap into the knowledge and support of Business Corangamite to plant the seed for your new venture.

Schulz Organic Creamery & Cafe Timboon
Our Key Industries

Blessed with natural abundance from the coast to our volcanic lakes and mounts, it is the fertile soils of Corangamite Shire that underpin agriculture as our largest employer.
As a key contributor to the regional, state, and national economy the dairy industry is an early embracer of new technology and systems. From farm to markets near and far, dairy draws on compatible skill sets from many industries and may be a perfect fit for you!
Reliable rainfall, temperature and soil variety from north to south is supportive of a variety of agricultural uses and investment in food and fibre.
Working collaboratively to achieve efficiency, Corangamite Shire is part of the Great South Coast. Our region is renowned for producing high quality dairy, wool, beef, prime lamb, seafood crops and grain. With rising global food demand, agriculture presents a range of exciting and rewarding career opportunities.
Dairy Australia hosts a Jobs Board where you can seek employment - Jobs | Dairy Australia. There is also Facebook sites where you can search for agriculture and dairy work - South West (Australia) Relief Milkers | Facebook.